Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Way Technology Can Help in the Classroom

One of many concerns facing teachers today is the growing number of students in one class period combined with the fact that teachers are increasingly being expected to teach a growing number of students that have obstacles to learning.  One way to overcome this is through the use of technology.  One way to employ technology in everyday learning is by having a web page.  Building a web page can be very simple.  One resource to help you to do this is  You may be wondering how having a web page can be beneficial to teaching.   Life happens and assignments get lost or students miss class or just have questions as do parents. In order to expedite communication between students, parents, and the teacher, a web page can be designed to provide the assignments and notes.  If parents have concerns about their child they can contact the teacher via the contact page or if a student misses class they can get missed notes from the notes page and assignments from the assignments page.  There is also the content section that contains information about subjects we cover in class but do not have time to get to which may or may not be included as bonus questions on exams.

The first step is to go to and then sign in. 

After signing in, you will be on a page that looks like this:

Next enter the Title of your website and then choose the Type of your website menu.  Then click on continue.

If you choose a Sub Domain of the web page is free.  If you choose to register a domain you there will be cost of $68, which is a one-time fee and then you will be charged an annual fee of $39.00.  After choosing which domain you want to use, click continue.

You will see a page similar to the one above and then you will choose from the templates provided such as the “gardening hands”.  Then you will pull down the design elements you wish to include.  For example if you want to add a picture (click on the picture icon and it will give you the blue box you see below that says “Click Here to Edit”):

When you click on the “Click Here to Edit” you will see:

Then click on the green bar to upload your picture.  After choosing your picture your screen will show your picture.

The procedure is the same to add text or other text and pictures; just choose the appropriate icon at the top. 

You can also easily add video and audio files by selecting the multimedia option. 

    After clicking there you will see:

Then choose from the appropriate icon shown above. 

For a You Tube video, you will need to go to  Find the video you want, and then click on Share under where the video is shown.

Copy the URL that is shown above and then go back to’s website.  Then click on the Large Arrow in the screen shot below.

In the bar below you will paste the URL from  Then press enter.

Continue until page is finished and customized to your preferences.  Then hit Publish.


Click here for an example of a finished web page. 

If anyone else has any ideas on ways technology can help in the classroom, I would love to hear your thoughts.  Please post your ideas and share the learning.

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