Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Preparing effective PowerPoint slideshows for English Language Learners
Students that are English language learners are a growing population of students in today’s classroom.  A 2003 report from National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) shows a thirty percent increase in English language learners.  Of these students Spanish speaking students are the fastest growing group.  Sixty-five percent of all non-English speaking immigrants are Hispanic yet only forty-four percent scored proficient or higher on a reading test in a NCES study conducted in 2004.  There are many ways to use technology to assist students that may be an English language learner.  Typically these students have some mastery of English though it is usually behind that of native speakers and is usually greatest in understanding the written word not the spoken.
            So the challenge is to convey a concept or idea appropriate to a student that may be very intelligent but that has an English reading comprehension level several years behind their physical age.  To do this there are several strategies you can employee.  One of these strategies is to use pictures as much as possible.  Because many times, especially with complicated issues, it is more helpful for students to see a picture.  Another helpful feature to aid in the teaching of an English language learners is video.  This helps because if a picture is worth a thousand words a three minute video clip is worth at least ten times that.  By hearing the audio play while seeing the action and maybe a short written concept, the concept is re-enforced and by re-enforcing the concepts you want to teach it makes it easier for students to grasp.
            Another way for English language learners to benefit from technology such as powerpoint presentation is that it allows for interaction not only with the teacher but with the actual presentation.  This allows technology to be hands on such as a powerpoint that is controlled by individual students that may read slower because of them being an English language learner.  This can be helpful not only with the students making a better grade but with help they maintain a positive outlook on their learning so that they do not become frustrated.
            More and more technology such as smart boards and powerpoint presentations are finding their way into our classrooms.  While at the same time as teachers, we are also finding more and more students that are English language learners.  By effectively using the techniques I discussed, maximizing the amount of pictures that are used using minimal verbiage except in conjunction with pictures/video and using video/audio in presentations whenever possible.  And lastly, make the technology interactive with all students.  By following these techniques you can successfully use technology to break down any language barrier.

Here is an example of a powerpoint slide that takes advantage of pictures and words to get a concept across. 

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