Thursday, January 19, 2012

The inaugural installment of Mr Buie's Blog

OK this is the inaugural installment of Mr Buie's Blog.  Those lucky  people out there that  know me know that  I am an eclectic individual so  there  will be a  wide  range  of  posts  on this  blog.  However seeing that  it  is  primarily  being created  because  of  the  Education  technology  class I am taking  while  pursuing my Masters in teaching  degree a lot  of  the posts will be  some  how  related  to  education whether  it is  me sharing a lesson plan or  thoughts  on  an  article  I  read  or  may  be  just  some  little  bit  of  information  that  falls through  the  cracks of the curriculum.I look  forward  to any and  all feed back  and  If  anyone has  ideas they  would  like discussed  feel free to  do  so  this is  an  open  forum much  like  Socrates' Academy.

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